

Add email headers.

This scanner can be used to add an header line to email.

Usage: add_header('Header_name','header_data',scanners)
   or: add_header(...).onlyif('virname')

Where: 'Header_name' is a string, which defines name of the header
       'header_data' is a string, which defines header's content
       'virname' is a string, which defines any virus name.
         By default all virus names at least 1 character long: '.'
       There are some special pattern, which are replaced:
         %V ... virus name
         %S ... scanner name
         %L ... detected level


Add one record into SQL list for a policy.

Usage: add_listed(dbc, flags, expire, table, scanners)

Where: dbc is an database connection
       flags is an string, which defines what and where to add. It can be:
           BA - to blacklist sender's IP address
           BS - to blacklist sender's email address
           BR - to blacklist recipients
           WA - to whitelist sender's IP address
           WS - to whitelist sender's email address
           WR - to whitelist recipients
       expire is an integer, which defines validity of a new record
         in seconds. Set it to -1 for infinite time.
       table can define table alternative

Example: add_listed(db.sqlite(), 'BA', -1, 'greylist', b2f(libclam()))

New in version 0.8.0.


Alternative scanners.

Returns a virus, if one scanner returns a virus.
Scannig is ended if one scanner returns virus or clean.
Next scanner from the list is used, if previous scannes fails
(raises an error). Raises an ScannerError, if all scanners failed.

Usage: alternatives(scanner1(),scanner2(),...)

Where: scanner1(),... are scanners, which may find a virus


An alias for buffer2file() interscanner.


Buffer to file converter.

You can use it to save buffers into files.

Usage: buffer2file(scanner1())

Where: scanner1() is a interscanner or realscanner.
         It must be a filescanner.


An alias for buffer2file(...,1) interscanner.


Cache return value of a scanner.

First call of this scanner caches return value for a scanner included into
and return it's value. Next calls returns stored values.

Usage: cache('VAR',scanners...)

Where: 'VAR' is a string, which defines variable name to cache return value

Example: cache('var1', scanner1()) # to store and return scanner1()'s value
         cache('var1') # to only return previously stored value

New in version 0.7.0.


Select scanner based on tested scanner return status.

Usage: check_level(tested_scanner, {
                     (min,max): scanner,
                     (min,max): scanner, ...
   or: check_level()

Where: tested_scanner is a scanner, which return level will be tested
       min is an integer, minimal level for this scanner
       max is an integer, maximal level for this scanner

This scanner with no arguments will return previously saved status.
Evaluation function is: min <= LEVEL < max .
When no range is found, cached reply will be returned without changes.

Example: check_level(spamassassind(), {
             (1.0, 5.0):     deliver(
             (5.0, 99999.0): drop('.', check_level())

New in version 0.9.0.


Interscanner to set custom action.

This scanner can be used to set custom action (reject, drop, deliver)
by manually specifing this as parameters.
You can use these variables in format string:
  %(VIRNAME)s         name of detected virus, empty if CLEAN
  %(QNAME)s           quarantine file name (quarantine must be inside
                        custom_action scanner to use this)
  %(SCANNER_NAME)s    scanner which reported this virus
  %(VERSION)s         sagator's version

Usage: custom_action(pattern, reply_code, reply_message, scanners)

Where: pattern is an regular expression, which defines virus/spam to
         set this action. It is checked over virus name.
       reply_code is an integer or string, which defines message reply
         code (250 for success, 451 for temporary failure, 550 for
       reply_message is an string, which defines reply message string.
         You can use variables defined above here.

Bugs: Does not working with milter() service.

Example: custom_action(".", 550, "Content rejected - %(VIRNAME)s",

New in version 0.9.0.


Scanner used to decompress archives (zip,rar,arj,zoo,tar,...).

It is a scanner, which can decompress some of files.
You can define your own decompressors and assing it to any extensions.
This scanner is a filescanner only, because external decompressors
can unpack only files. A used scanner must be also a filescanner.
If not, use file2buffer() interscanner.

Filetype is determined on file content (not on file extension).
It can detect some exe SFX archives too.

Usage: decompress(filescanner1(),[a,b,c,d]=[3,500,50MB,20MB])

Where: filescanner1() is an filescanner, which can scan all files
       [a,b,c,d] is an array of 4 numbers:
         a = max number of recursions
         b = max number of decompressed files
         c = max disk usage with all of decompressed files
         d = max address space usage


A scanner to force sending some viruses/spams to original recipients.

This scanner can be used to send some viruses/spams.
You can define by regular expression, what virus name or spam
can be sent. By default all non empty virus names will be matched.

Usage: deliver(deliver_pattern, scanners)

Where: deliver_pattern is an regular expression, which defines
         virus name to really deliver, other emails will not be delivered.

For compatibility issues deliver_pattern is used as fist scanner,
if it's type is not string. Also suboption .onlyif(pattern) can
be used to define deliver_pattern.


Interscanner to send emails to admins.

This scanner can be used to send viruses/spams to an administrator.

Usage: deliver_to(recipients,scanners)
   or: deliver_to(...).onlyif('string')

Where: recipients is an array of recipients
       'string' is an string, which defines regular expression.
         If this expression is found in virus name, mail is
         delivered, otherwise don't.


Interscanner to drop viruses/spams. By default they are rejected.

This scanner can be used to drop some viruses, like Klez.
Klez sends fake sender address and this virus can't be sent
back to sender, because sender is faked.

Usage: drop(drop_pattern, scanners)

This scanner does nothing else, like sets the DROP flag.
Email is passed to parent scanners and is dropped in sagator.

Two constants drop.DEFAULT and drop.DEFAULT_EXT (extensible version)
can be used to drop most of worms, trojans and phishings, which fakes
sender email addresses.

Examples: drop(drop.DEFAULT, scanners)
          drop(drop.DEFAULT_EXT % 'SPAM|OtherVirus', scanners)
          drop('.', scanners) # drop every virus/spam


An alias for file2buffer() interscanner.


File to buffer converter.

This scanner converts a filescanner input into bufferscanner.

Usage: file2buffer(scanner1())

Where: scanner1() is an interscanner or realscanner.
         It must be a bufferscanner.


Default scanner used for building all other interscanners.


Advanced logger interscanner.

This scanner can be used to log some special data.
You can use these variables in format string:
  %(LEVEL)s           - detected virus level
  %(VIRNAME)s         - name of detected virus, empty if CLEAN
  %(STATUS)s          - if mail is dropped, rejected, ...
  %(QNAME)s           - quarantine file name
  %(SCANNER_NAME)s    - scanner which reported this virus
  %(SENDER)s          - scanned message sender
  %(RECIPIENTS)s      - scanned message recipients
  %(RECIPIENT)s       - scanned message recipients one by one (only for SQL)
  %(SUBJECT)s         - message's header Subject
  %(SIZE)s            - email size
  %(VERSION)s         - sagator's version
  %(SENTBY_IP)s       - sender's IP
  %(SENTBY_NAME)s     - sender's hostname
  %(SENTBY_HELO)s     - sender's HELO/EHLO string
  %(DATETIME)s        - date and time in standard format ("%c")
  %(SYSLOG_DATE)s     - date and time in syslog format ("%a %e %H:%M:%S")
  %(PID)s             - current process ID

You also can use log.FORMAT for default format or log.SUMMARY_REPORT
for summary reporter script.

Usage: log(logto,format,scanners...)

Where: logto is a string, which defines filename to store these data
         If logto is an integer, it defines log level in standard
         log file.
       format is a string, which defines data format

New format style is introduced in version 0.9.0, for older versions please
use old format (for example "$STATUS" instead of "%(STATUS)s").


Clean old records from SQL log database table.

Usage: log_cleanup(older_than=768)

Where: older_than is an integer, which defines number of hours for
         up-to-date records. All older records will be deleted.
         By default aprox. one month (768h) of records are kept.

New in version 1.1.0.


SQL interscanner for python DB-API 2.0 compatible DB modules.

Usage: log_sql(db_connection,format,scanners...)

Where: db_connection is a database connection. For these connections
         see doc/Databases.txt file.
       format is a string, which defines an SQL INSERT command with
         optional variables described in log() scanner.
       .also_clean() can be used to log also "CLEAN" emails

Examples: log_sql(DB_ENGINE, log_sql.FORMAT)
                  log_sql.FORMAT.extend('subject', '%(SUBJECT)s'))

New in version 0.7.0.


Syslog logger interscanner to log via syslog.

For detailed description see log() scanner.

Usage: log_syslog(format,scanners...)


Returns a virus only if all scanners returns a virus.

Usage: match_all(scanner1(),scanner2(),...)

Where: scanner1(),... are scanners, which must find a virus


Match for any sub-scanner is required.

Returns a virus, if one scanner returns a virus.
Next scanner from list is used, if previous scanner returns
no virus, or failed (raised an error).

Usage: match_any(scanner1(),scanner2(),...)

Where: scanner1(),... are scanners, which may find a virus


Modify email headers.

This scanner can be used to modify email headers.

Usage: modify_header('^Header_regexp:','Header_regexp: prefix',scanners)
   or: modify_header(...).onlyif('virname')

Where: '^Header_regexp:' is a string, which defines regular expression
         to find for this header
       'Header_regexp: prefix' is a string, which defines new header
       'virname' is a string, which defines any virus name.
         By default all virus names at least 1 character long: '.'
       There are some special pattern, which are replaced:
         %V ... virus name
         %S ... scanner name
         %L ... detected level


Modify email Subject.

This scanner can be used to modify email Subject.

Usage: modify_subject('prefix',scanners)
   or: modify_subject(...).onlyif('virname')

Where: 'prefix' is an prefix added into Subject.
       'virname' is a string, which defines any virus name.
         By default all virus names at least 1 character long: '.'
       For more information see modify_header() interscanner.

For example original Subject line is:
  Subject: Testing mail
and i use:
  modify_subject('[SPAM]', spamassassind(['localhost',783]))
When spam will be found, header will be modifyed to:
  Subject: [SPAM] Testing mail


This scanner does nothing. :-)

Usage: nothing(some parameters...)

Where: some parameters... are ignored :)


Email parser interscanner.

This scanner parses emails and send multiple of buffers into
scanner1(). If an multiscanner is used as another_scanner,
optimal method is used (scans all files at once).

Usage: parsemail(scanner1(...) [, scanner2(...)] )

Example: parsemail(libclam())


Quarantine into a directory.

This scanner can be used to quarantine an virus/spam.
qdir is a directory, in which viruses are stored.
Following regular expression can be used to disable quarantining
of some viruses or spams.

Usage: quarantine('qdir', 'dont quarantine regular expression', scanners)

Where: 'qdir' is a string, which defines a qatantine directory,
              directory, in which viruses/spams are stored.
              This string can contain %X substrings. These strings
              are represented as defined in strftime. For more information
              see "man strftime". If this directory not exitst,
              it's created.
       'dont quarantine regular expression' is a regular expression,
              which defines virus names, which can't be quarantined

Example: quarantine('/var/spool/sagator/quarantine/%Y%m', '', a_scanner())
           - every month will be stored in separate directory


Recover from an error.

This scanner can be used to recover from scanner fail. If an scanner
fails (raises an error), this scanner return no virus.

Usage: recover(scanner1(),scanner2(),...)

Where: scanner1... are scanners


Recipient email address to index scanner, operating with regexp.

It is useful only as lmtpd() scanner, because it operates on email

Usage: regexp_find(key, scanners)

Where: key is an string, which defines which variable to compare.
         Currently only "recipient" can be used here.
       scanners is an dictionary of scanners, each returned key from
         database must have coresponding key in this dictionary

Example: regexp_find(
             '$': b2f(libclam()),
             '$': spamassassind(),
             '': s2f(libclam())+spamassassind()

Limitations: It is not possible to include one regexp_find() into another.

New in version 0.9.0.


Interscanner to rewrite virus name returned by an scanner.

Usage: rename(newname, scanners)
   or: rename(newname, scanners).multiplier(MP)

Where: newname is a string, which defines new virus name.
       These string will be replaced:
         %(VIRNAME)s          old name
         %(LEVEL)s            detected level as float
         %(STARS)s            detected level as stars
       MP is an multiplier for LEVEL and STARS. Returned level
         is multiplied by this constant.

Renaming is skipped, if level<1.0.


Report any message to admin, user or anybody.

This module can be used to report an message to administrator
or to any user. You can use following variables in report messages:
  %(FROM)s            report sender
  %(VIRNAME)s         detected virus name
  %(SMTP_COMM)s       SMTP communication
  %(STATUS)s          status of this message (REJECTED, DROPPED, ...)
  %(QNAME)s           filename in quarantine
  %(QQNAME)s          quoted (urlencoded) filename in quarantine
  %(SCANNER_OUTPUT)s  returned scanner output
  %(SCANNER_NAME)s    name of the scanner
  %(MSG_HEADER)s      virus/spam header
  %(MSG_BODY)s        virus/spam body (without header)
  %(SUBJECT)s         message's header Subject
  %(RANDOM)s          10 random characters (useable to generate a boundary)
  %(SENDER)s          virus/spam sender
  %(RECIPIENTS)s      virus/spam recipients joined by comma (',')
  %(TO)s              report recipeints
  %(VERSION)s         sagator's version
  %(SENTBY_IP)s       sender's IP
  %(SENTBY_NAME)s     sender's hostname
  %(SENTBY_HELO)s     sender's HELO/EHLO string

Usage: report(recipients, msg, scanners)
   or: report(...).sender('')
   or: report(...).ifscan(cond_scanner)

Where: recipients is an array of recipients,
         like: ['', '', ...]
         You can use variables mentioned above in this array, but only
         %(SENDER)s can be used logically.
       msg is an message template, you can use report.MSG_TMPL
       cond_scanner is a scanner, which defines, when report may be sent

  - send report to admin@localhost:
      report([''], report.MSG_TMPL, ... )
  - send report to email sender:
      report(['%(SENDER)s'], report.MSG_TMPL, ... )


Report any message to email recipients.

This module can be used to report an message to mail recipients.
For message description see report() scanner.

Usage: report_recipients(msg, scanners)
   or: report_recipients(...).sender('')
   or: report(...).ifscan(cond_scanner)

Where: msg is an message template, you can use report.MSG_TMPL
        scanners are scanners which are used
       cond_scanner is a scanner, which defines, when report may be sent


Retry scanner more times.

This scanner try to run defined scanner more than once, while if fails.
After an successful pass latest return value is returned.

Usage: retry(count,scanner())

Where: count is an integer, which defines retry count
       scanner(),... is a scanner, which may find a virus

Example: retry(5,


Recipient email address to index scanner, operating on SQL database.

This scanner is an reimplementation of e2i_sql lmtpd() service from
older sagator 0.7.2. It is useful only as lmtpd() scanner, because
it operates on email recipients.

Usage: sql_find(key, dbc, query, scanners)

Where: key is an string, which defines which variable to compare.
         Currently only "recipient" or "sender" can be used here.
       dbc is an database connection
       query is an SQL condition to use
       scanners is an dictionary of scanners, each returned key from
         database must have coresponding key in this dictionary

Example: sql_find(
           "SELECT key FROM userpref WHERE email=%s",
             'AV': b2f(libclam()),
             'AS': spamassassind(),
             '': s2f(libclam())+spamassassind() # default

Limitations: It is not possible to include one sql_find() into another.

New in version 0.9.0.


This interscanner can be used to collect some other statistics.

Usage: status("String", scanner1(), scanner2(), ...)

Where: "String" is a string, which defines a prefix for status update
         This scring can't contain spaces.
         These string will be replaced:
           %(VIRNAME)s        virus name
           %(LEVEL)s          detected level as float
           %(STARS)s          detected level as stars
       scanner1(), ... are sagator's scanners

Preffered usage:
    status("Virus", virus_scanner1(), ...),
    status("Spam", spam_scanner1(), ...)
This collects Virus-count, Virus-bytes, Spam-count, Spam-bytes in collector.


Interscanner to limit scanner execution time.

Usage: time_limit(seconds, scanners)

Where: seconds is an float, which defines maximum number of seconds.
         After this limit scanner returns a virus and will be
         dropped or rejected (maybe also quarantined) according
         to configuration.

Example: time_limit(300, parsemail(b2f(libclam())) )

New in version 0.7.0.

Virus scanners


Default scanner user for building all other realscanners.


Attachment name scanner.

This scanner checks defined name of file in mime attachments.
By default known executable extensions will be blocked.
This scanner can be used only if it's parent is parsemail().

Usage: attach_name({b'VirName': b'regexp_pattern', ..}, flags=re.I)

Where: 'VirName' is a string, which defines virus name
       'regexp_pattern' is an regular expression. If this expression
         is found in attachment's name, VirName is returned
         as virus name.
       flags is a number, which defines regular expression flags.
         By default IGNORECASE is used.

Example: attach_name({
           'Executable': r'\.(exe|com|vxd|dll|cpl|scr|pif|lnk|bat|vbs|js)$'


AVG daemon realscanner.

This scanners is a realscanner, which can be used to scan
for viruses. It uses AVGd (a deamonized linux version of AVG7).

Usage: avgd(params='', connto=('localhost', 54322), chroot='')

Where: params is a string which defines command line parameters,
         like -arc, -heur, -rt, ... see man page for avgscan
         This option is not accepted by AVG8+, so it defaults to "".
       connto is a tuple of host,port of avgd,
         by default ('localhost', 54322)
       chroot is an string in which sagator is running, if avgd
         is not running in this chroot. By default chroot='', so your
         avgscand should run inside sagator's chroot.

To start AVGd in chroot, move all neccessary files into your chroot,
and change following line in init.d/avgd from:
  daemon $AVG_HOME/avgscan -d
  daemon chroot /var/spool/vscan $AVG_HOME/avgscan -d
or similiar.


Bitdefender realscanner.

This scanners is a realscanner, which can be used to scan
for viruses. It parses Bitdefender output.

Warning: If you are using bdc in chroot, don't forget to mount
         /proc directory under chroot.

Usage: bdc(command=['/opt/bdc/bdc','--mail','--arc','--all'])

Where: command is a array which defines command with parameters.
         By default: ['/opt/bdc/bdc','--mail','--arc','--all']


ClamAV daemon realscanner for clamav-1.0 or higher.

This scanners is a realscanner, which can be used to scan
for viruses. ClamAV is a free program under GPL and may be freely
used. Its database is very well.

If you need a chrooted clamd, copy it into chroot and start it
from here. If you are not familiar with it, use clamscan scanner
from this module. It easily does chroot support, but it
is not powerfull.

Requires: clamd-1.0+ (clamav daemon)

Usage: clamd(['localhost', 3310])
   or: clamd('/var/spool/vscan/clamd')

Where: 1st definition defines a clam daemon on host localhost,
           port 3310 (it is the default)
       2nd definition defines access to clamd via UNIX socket


ClamAV daemon realscanner for clamav-0.103 or older.

This scanners is a realscanner, which can be used to scan
for viruses. ClamAV is a free program under GPL and may be freely
used. Its database is very well.

If you need a chrooted clamd, copy it into chroot and start it
from here. If you are not familiar with it, use clamscan scanner
from this module. It easily does chroot support, but it
is not powerfull.

Requires: clamd<1.0 (clamav daemon)

Usage: clamd0(['localhost', 3310])
   or: clamd0('/var/spool/vscan/clamd')

Where: 1st definition defines a clam daemon on host localhost,
           port 3310 (it is the default)
       2nd definition defines access to clamd via UNIX socket


ClamAV command line realscanner.

This scanner is a realscanner, which can be used to scan
for viruses. ClamAV is a free program under GPL and may be freely
used. Its database is very well.

It can be easily used in chroot. from sagator package
automatically integrates it into chroot environment.

Requires: clamscan binary from clamav

Usage: clamscan(['/usr/bin/clamscan','--stdout','--infected',

Where: in [] are command line parameters for clamscan binary


A realscanner used to scan over command line programs.

Usage: cmd(['command', 'arg1', ...], StatusCLEAN, StatusINFECTED, RE)

Where: 'command' is a string, which command to run
       'argX' are command line arguments, as last argument the
         filename is added
       StatusCLEAN may be:
         an array of integers, which defines "clean" exit codes
         an regexp, indication no virus found
       StatusINFECTED may be:
         an array of integers, which defines "virus found" exit codes
       RE is an regular expression string, which can extract virus
         names from scanner output.


This scanner uses bdc command from BitDefender antivirus.

See for more info.

Usage: cmd_bdc(command='/opt/bdc/bdc')

Example: s2f(cmd_bdc('/opt/bdc/bdc'))


This scanner uses clamscan command from clamav project.

See for more info.

Usage: cmd_clamav(command='clamscan')

Example: s2f(cmd_clamav('clamscan'))


This scanner uses drweb command from DRWEB antivirus.

See, for more info.

Usage: cmd_drweb(command='/usr/local/drweb/drweb')

Example: s2f(cmd_drweb('/usr/local/drweb/drweb'))


This scanner uses f-prot command from FRISK F-Prot antivirus.

See for more info.

Usage: cmd_fprot(command='f-prot', params=[])

Example: s2f(cmd_fprot('f-prot'))


This scanner uses kavscanner command from KasperskyLab kavscanner.

See for more info.

Usage: cmd_kavscanner(command='/opt/kav/bin/kavscanner')

Example: s2f(cmd_kavscanner('/opt/kav/bin/kavscanner')


This scanner uses mks antivirus.

See for more info.

Usage: cmd_mks(command='mks32',extra_params_array=[])

Example: s2f(cmd_mks('mks32'))


This scanner uses trendmicro command from Trend Micro FileScanner.

See for more info.

Usage: cmd_trendmicro(command='/etc/iscan/vscan')

Example: s2f(cmd_trendmicro('/etc/iscan/vscan'))


This scanner uses uvscan command from McAfee AntiVirus.

See for more info.

Usage: cmd_uvscan(command='uvscan')

Example: s2f(cmd_uvscan('uvscan'))


This scanner uses vbuster command from VirusBuster.

See for more info.

Usage: cmd_vbuster(command='vbscan')

Example: s2f(cmd_vbuster('vbscan'))


Realscanner to return a constant value (virus or clean).

This scanner has no special functionality. It returns always
a defined virus, or clean (if virus is not defined).
This scanner has no error codes.

Usage: const(level, VirName, return_string=[])
    or const()

Where: level is an float which defines returned infection level
         If level is not defined, after scanning an error is raised.
       VirName is a returned virus.
       return_string is a array of strings returned

Examples: const(0.0)          # Return clean
          const(1.0, 'Virus') # Return virus name "Virus"
          const()             # Raise an error


This realscanner uses dspam library.

For detailed description see DSPAM documentation.

Usage: dspam(home='/var/dspam', user=None, group=None,
             classify=None, source=None,
             train=None, flags=pydspam.DSF_SIGNATURE)

Where: home is dspam home dir ('/var/dspam')
       user is dspam user (user running sagator's process)
       group is dspam group (group running sagator's process)
       classify is how to classify this message
         Available options: DSR_ISSPAM, DSR_ISINNOCENT
         Default: Don't classify.
       source is message source:
         Available options: DSS_ERROR, DSS_CORPUS, DSS_INOCULATION
         Default: No source defined.
       train is training mode
         Available options: DST_TEFT, DST_TOE, DST_TUM, DST_NOTRAIN
         Default: DST_TEFT
       flags are dspam flags
         Available options: DSF_SIGNATURE, DSF_BIAS, DSF_NOISE,
                            DSF_WHITELIST, DSF_MERGED
         Default: DSF_SIGNATURE

  basic usage:
  training emails badly assigned as spams:
  training emails badly assinged as inoocent:


Realscanner to classify emails for DSPAM.

This scanner can be used to classify messages as spams/hams.
For parameters see dspam() scanner documentation.

  configure SCANNERS=[ dspam_classify(source=DSS_CORPUS,flags=0) ]
  and you can run sgscan to learn messages from a box:
  Training ham (clean messages):
    sgscan --dspam-classify=innocent MAILBOX
  Training spam:
    sgscan --dspam-classify=spam MAILBOX


ESETs scanner over it's preload library module.

You need to set LD_PRELOAD to ESETs preload library (
You can do this by adding this line into /etc/sysconfig/sagator:

Usage: esets(prefix='/tmp/scand', logfile='/var/log/messages', reg=None)

Where: prefix is a string, which defines directory and a part of filename
         to store scanned files, by default '/tmp/scand'.
       logfile is a string, which defines path to logfile. This parameter
         is used only when called from scanner daemon.
       reg is a regular expression, which defines log format. Default
         option is good for most of people. See source code for an example.

Recommended settings for ESETS:
  # use /var/log/messages as logfile for scanner
    av_clean_mode = "none"
    action_av_infected = "reject"
    action_av_deleted = "reject"
    event_mask = "open:close"
    ctl_incl = "/tmp/scand:/var/spool/vscan/tmp/scand"
    action_av_deleted = "accept"

New in version 1.1.1.


File magic test (like "file -i command").

This scanner can be used to test file content for a special type.
You need a python module "magic", which is by default in file's
source, but in most distributions it is not compiled in package.

Usage: file_magic({'VirName': 'regexp_pattern', ..}, flags=0, raw=True)

Where: 'VirName' is a string, which identifies defined virus
       'regexp_pattern' is a regular expression pattern
       flags is an int, which defines regular expression flags,
         like re.I to ignore it's case.
       raw is a boolean, when True, use MAGIC_RAW instead of MAGIC_MIME


Realscanner, which scans type of a file.

A scanner to chcek content of a file for a special type (like zip, ...).

Usage: file_type({'type': 'vir', ...})

Where 'type' is a name of type returned by filetype.* function
      'vir' is a vir name returned, if file type is matched

Example: # scan for executables (COM, EXE, PIF and similiar types)
         parsemail(file_type({'exe': 'MS Executable',
                              'elf': 'Linux Executable'}))

Obsolete since 1.1.1, use file_magic() instead.


Scanner which uses filesystem scanners.

Usage: filesys(prefix='/tmp/fs', logfile='', regexp='')

Where: '/prefix' is a string, which defines directory
          and a part of filename to store scanned files,
          by default '/tmp/fs'
       'logfile' is a string, which defines full path and filename
          of logfile, by default not logfile used
       'regexp' is a string, which defines how to parse logfile

New in version 0.7.0.


Kaspersky Antivirus realscanner.

This scanners is a realscanner, which can be used to scan
for viruses. It parses Kaspersky antivirus output.

Usage: kav(command=['/opt/kav/5.5/kav4unix/bin/kavscanner','-j3'])

Where: command is a array which defines command with parameters.


Kaspersky antivirus client realscanner.

This scanners is a realscanner, which can be used to scan
for viruses. It parses Kaspersky antivirus client output.

Usage: kavclient(socket_path='/var/run/aveserver',

Where: socket_path is a string, which defines path co aveserver socket
         inside chroot. (default: /var/run/aveserver)
       command is a string, which defines command to run.
         (default: /opt/kav/bin/aveclient)
       chroot is an string, which defines a prefix added to each filename.
         If you are not running aveserver in chroot path, set it
         to your CHROOT.


ClamAV realscanner - uses libclamavmodule python library.

This scanners is a realscanner, which can be used to scan
for viruses. ClamAV is a free program under GPL and may be freely
used. Its database is very well.

Requires: libclamav module for python (sagator-libclamav package)

Usage: libclam(options=libclam.CL_SCAN_STDOPT, limits={},
               db_options=None, solib=None)

Where: options is an number or structure, which defines libclam options.
         See clamav documentation for more info.
       limits is an tuple, which defines limits for clamav
         decompressor, see clamav doc. for more info.
       db_options is an number, which defines libclam loaddb options.
         See clamav documentation for more info. This option is available
         only with sagator-libclamav-1.2.2 or higher.
       datadir is an string, defining path to clamav virus database
         files. By default value compiled into libclamav.
         This parameter is new in 1.2.0.
       solib is a string, defining clamav shared library path and filename.
         For example for clamav-0.94.2 it's "/usr/lib/".
         By default it's autodetected. This parameter is new in 1.2.0.


Realscanner to test email's size.

Usage: max_file_size(size, name='FileSizeOverrun')

Where: size is a number of bytes, which if exceeded, virus is returned
       name is a string, which identifies the virus name.
          If this parameter is not present, 'FileSizeOverrun' is returned.

Example: max_file_size(1024*1024*10)
         # all files at least 10MB will be reported as virus


NOD2 scanner. Works with nod32lfs.

This scanners is a realscanner, which can be used to scan
for viruses. You can use nod32 from nod32lfs package.

Usage: nod2(['command','params...'])

Where: in [] are command line parameters for nod32


NOD32lfs scanner over it's preload library module.

You need to set LD_PRELOAD to NOD32's preload library (
You can do this by adding this line into /etc/sysconfig/sagator:

Usage: nod2pac(prefix='/tmp/scand', logfile='/var/log/nod32d.log')

Where: prefix is a string, which defines directory and a part of filename
         to store scanned files, by default '/tmp/scand'.
       logfile is a string, which defines path to logfile. This parameter
         is used only when called from scanner daemon.

Recommended settings for NOD32LFS:
    log_enabled = yes
    ctl_incl = "/var/spool/vscan/tmp/scand"

New in version 0.8.0.


Primitive regexp pattern scanner.

There can be more patterns for one virus. All patterns in []
must match to assign an buffer as virus (AND opeator).
There can also be more virnames in one dictionary.

Usage: regexp_scan([['VirName', 'RegExp_Pattern...'], ...], size=0, flags=0)

Where: 'VirName' is a string, which identifies defined virus
       'RegExp_Pattern...' is a regexp pattern
       size is a number, which defines, how many bytes may be checked.
         If it is 0 or not defined, whole buffer is scanned.
         If it is -1, email header is scanned.
       flags is an integer, which defines regular expression flags.
         By default no flags are used.
Example: regexp_scan([
           # Scan for a part of EICAR virus test file pattern
           # Scan for a an EXE file pattern endoded as base64.
           ['UnknownEXE', '^TVqQ']


Remove email headers.

This scanner can be used to remove email headers.

Usage: remove_headers('header name' [,'next header name' [, ...] ])

Where: 'header name' is a string, which defines header key to delete


Sanitize (rename attachment filenames) an email.

This scanners is a realscanner, which can be used to sanitize
email. It means all attachments are renamed to safe names.
For example "filename.exe" will be renamed to "filename-exe".

WARNING! This scanner is in BETA stage! Id don't conform to RFC 2183!

Usage: sanitize(insert='-',extensions='[a-z0-9]{3}')

Where: insert is a string, which can be inserted for sanitized attachments
       extensions is an regular expressios to find


Symantec antivirus scan engine scanner.

Usage: savse('host',port)

Example: parsemail(savse('localhost',1344))

  You need to configure ICAP protocol on port 1344 (or another)
  to use this scanner properly.
  These options are suggested in symcscan.cfg:


Scanner daemon client.

This scanner can be used to communicate with sagator's scanner daemon
(scand() service). It is useful to run some scanners outside of chroot.

Usage: scanc(scanner=None, addr='/tmp/scand.sock', prefix='/tmp/scand',

Where: scanner is an scanner to use for recipient signature generator.
         You can leave it empty for many of scanners, but it is required
         for example for usrquota() scanner. It is good to define
         same scanners here as in scand() service.
       add is a string, which defines path to socket for communication
         with scanner daemon.
       prefix is a string, which defines directory and a part of
         filename to store scanned files, by default '/tmp/scand'
       timeout is an integer for socket timeout setting.
         Added in sagator-1.3.

Example: scanc()
     or: scanc(usrquota(''))

New in version 0.8.0.


Sender IP address regexp scanner.

This scanner can be used to scan for sender's IP address. You can use
it to perform some actions (for example send report to admin) if
a virus is comming from your local addresses.

Usage: sender_regexp([['VirName', 'RegExp_Pattern...'], ...])

Where: 'VirName' is a string, which identifies defined virus
       'RegExp_Pattern...' is a regexp pattern
Example: sender_regexp([
           ['LOCAL_IP', r'(192\.168|172\.(1[6789]|2[0-9]|3[01])|10)\.']


Primitive regexp pattern scanner for SMTP communication.

For more information about this scanner see documentation for
regexp_scan realscanner.

This scanner also can be used to apply some scnanner to defined
email adresses. For example:
    smtp_comm([['D', '^RCPT TO:.*anydomain.dom']]])
      & buffer2mbox(libclam())
In this example, libclam() scanner is used only if mail is
adressed to an user on anydomain.dom.

Usage: smtp_comm([['VirName', 'RegExp_Pattern...', ...], ...], flags=0)

Where: 'VirName' is a string, which identifies defined virus
       'RegExp_Pattern...' is a regexp pattern
       flags is an integer, which defines regular expression flags.
         By default re.IGNORECASE|re.MULTILINE is used.


Sophie realscanner.

This scanners is a realscanner, which can be used to scan
for viruses. Sophie uses sophos libsavi. It can also be used
for Trophie with TrendMicro antivirus scanner.

If you need a chrooted sophie, copy it into chroot and start it
from here. Do not forget to update it's chrooted database.

Usage: sophie(sophie_socket,chroot_path='')

Where: sophie_socket is a filename to sophie via UNIX socket
       chroot_path is a path, which you need to add
         (may be the same as your CHROOT, if you are using
         sagator in chroot and sophie not)


Primitive string pattern scanner.

There can be more patterns for one virus. All patterns
must match to assign an buffer as virus.
There can also be more virnames in one dictionary.

Usage: string_scan([['VirName', 'Pattern1...', ...], ...], size=0)

Where: 'VirName' is a string, which identifies defined virus
       'Pattern...' is a string pattern
       size is a number, which defines, how many bytes may be checked.
         If it is 0 or not defined, whole buffer is scanned.
         If it is -1, email header is scanned.
Example: string_scan([
           # Scan for a part of EICAR virus test file pattern
           # Scan for a an EXE file pattern endoded as base64.
           ['UnknownEXE', 'TVqQ']


Trophie realscanner.

It is an alias for sophie. See sophie documentation.


Check user quota for an recipient.

This scanner can be used to check user quota for an recipient.
It only can raise an error, if quota is exceeded, or it can return
clean. This scanner is only valid in combination with lmtpd() service.

Usage: usrquota(mydestination)

Where: mydestination is an regular expression, which defines local domains.
         If it is set and only one recipient is specified
         and recipients domain matches against this regular expression,
         then username part will be sent into spamd.

Example: usrquota('')

Antispam scanners


BogoFilter scanner.

This scanner scans for spams. If a spam is returned, a string
SPAM is returned as virus name.

Usage: bogofilter(['/usr/bin/bogofilter','-v'],

Where: in [] is a path and argumets of bogofilter binary
       SPAMSTRING is a string, which define a report string,
         which is checked. If it is found, mail is assigned as 'SPAM'
       MAX_FILE_SIZE is a number, which defines maximum file size,
         which can be tested. If a mail (with header) is larger,
         it is not checked (by default 500000).


Filter a message through a command.

This scanner can be used to filter email through an external program.
It's return status is always clean.

Usage: filter(['/path/command_name','-options',...])

Where: in [] is a path and argumets of filter binary


Quick Spam Filter scanner.

This scanner scans for spams. If a spam is returned, a string
SPAM is returned as virus name. It uses Quick Spam Filter.

Usage: qsf(['/usr/bin/qsf','-r'],SPAMSTRING='',MAX_FILE_SIZE=500000)

Where: in [] is a path and argumets of qsf binary
       SPAMSTRING is a string, which define a report string,
         which is checked. If it is found, mail is assigned as 'SPAM'
       MAX_FILE_SIZE is a number, which defines maximum file size,
         which can be tested. If a mail (with header) is larger,
         it is not checked (by default 500000).


SpamAssassin daemon scanner.

This scanner scans for spams. If a spam is returned, a string
SPAM is returned as virus name. Sagator's level is counted as:
  spamassassin_score / spamassassin_required_hits, for example for
header "X-Spam-Status: Yes, score=12.3 required=5.0":
  12.3 / 5.0 = 2.46

This scanner uses a spamassassind daemon. If you are not familiar with it,
you also can use spamassassin binary. Look at spamassassin scanner.

Usage: spamassassind(['localhost',783], reqspamlevel=-1,
                     sa_max_file=500000, filter=False,
                     mydestination=None, virtual_users=None,

Where: ['localhost',783] are the host and port of spamd.
       if reqspamlevel is less than spam hits, spam status is returned,
         if it is -1 (default), spam level from spamassassin config is used
       sa_max_file is a number, which defines maximum file size in bytes,
         which can be tested. If a mail (with header) is larger,
         it is not checked (by default 500000).
       filter is an boolean which can be used to process whole message
         by spamassassin. New message (generated by spamassassin) will
         be stored instead of original. It's default is False.
       mydestination is an regular expression, which defines local domains.
         If it is set and only one recipient is specified
         and recipients domain matches against this regular expression,
         then username part will be sent into spamd.
         This parameter is new in 0.7.0.
       virtual_users is an regular expression, which defines virtual users.
         These users can be used to configure virtual user settings
         for spamassassin. Only for emails with one recipient will be
       sa_user is an string, which defines username sent to spamd.
         By default it's vscan user.
         This parameter is new in sagator-1.2.0.

Policy scanners


Whitelist IP addresses after sending some emails properly.
This whitelisting is done not more than every 10 minutes to avoid server
overload. This function is slow for large number of records, use it

Usage: auto_whitelist(match_count=10, table='greylist')

Where: match_count is number of record which will must match
       table can define table alternative

Example: auto_whitelist(10)

New in version 0.8.0.


IP to domain (and back) resolving checker.

This scanner can be used to check senders IP address to resolve via
DNS service. It can be uses asn real scanner or policy scanner.

Usage: dns_check(reverse=False)

Where: reverse can fe used to check also reverse records

Example: dns_check()

New in version 0.8.0.


SQL blacklist for a policy. Enhanced version.

You can use this scanner to chcek, if an record is present in SQL table.

Usage: elisted(flags='B', table='greylist')

Where: flags is an character, which defines which flag will be searched
         in SQL table. By default 'B' for this scanner.
       table can define table alternative

Returns: level=1.0, when client is in blacklist
         level=0.0, when client is not in blacklist

This is experimental and may change in future releases.

Example: elisted()

New in version 1.1.1.


GeoIP2 country match (using mmdb files).

Usage: geoip2_country(country_codes, allow=True,

Where: country_codes is a list of allowed/denied countries.
         Use upper case country codes only!
       allow is an boolean, which defines if countries should
         be allowed or denied
       db is a full pathname to an GeoIP.mmdb file

Example: geoip2_country(["SK"])

New in version 2.0.0.


GeoIP country match.

Usage: geoip_country(country_codes, allow=True,

Where: country_codes is a list of allowed/denied countries.
         Use upper case country names only!
       allow is an boolean, which defines if countries should
         be allowed or denied
       db is a full pathname to GeoIP.dat file

Example: geoip_country(["SK"])

New in version 1.3.1.


A greylist policy scanner.

This is an greylist implementation for sagator.
You can learn more about greylisting at:

Usage: greylist(min=300, expire=48*3600,

Where: min is minimum required seconds after an email is cleanly sent
         (default: 5 minutes)
       expire is record expiration time in seconds (default 48 hours).
         If this record will be passed after min time, expiration
         time will be disabled.
       info_url is an string, which is displayed to greylisted clients

Example: greylist()

New in version 0.8.0.


Cleanup obsolete records from an SQL list.
This cleanup is done not more than every 10 minutes to avoid server

Usage: list_cleanup(lifetime=36*24*3600, table='greylist')

Where: lifetime is number of seconds after which records are removed (36 days)
       table can define table alternative

Example: list_cleanup()

New in version 0.8.0.


SQL blacklist for a policy.

You can use this scanner to chcek, if an record is present in SQL table.

Usage: listed(flags='B', table='greylist')

Where: flags is an character, which defines which flag will be searched
         in SQL table. By default 'B' for this scanner.
       table can define table alternative

Returns: level=1.0, when client is in blacklist
         level=0.0, when client is not in blacklist

Example: listed()

New in version 0.8.0.


SQL whitelist for a policy.

Usage: not_listed(flags='W', table='greylist')

Where: flags is an character, which defines which flag will be searched
         in SQL table. By default 'B' for this scanner.
       table can define table alternative

Returns: level=1.0, when client is not in whitelist
         level=0.0, when client is in whitelist

Example: not_listed()

New in version 0.8.0.


A policy quota for authorized users.

Limit number of emails from an authorized user.
Do not use multiple of policy_quota_auth_limit tests in one policy service,
use arrays for interval, max_conn, max_rcpt instead.

Usage: policy_quota_auth_limit(interval, max_conn, max_rcpt)

Where: interval - counting interval in seconds
       max_conn - maximum number of connections to server
       max_rcpt - maximum number of recipients

Example: policy_quota_auth_limit(300, 10, 150)

Postfix configuration example:
  smtpd_data_restrictions =  check_policy_service inet:

SQL command, which can help you to set proper parameters.
Change 3600 with your current interval settings.
  SELECT username, sum(1) AS count, sum(recipient_count) AS rcpt,
         from_unixtime(timestamp/1000) AS time, group_concat(DISTINCT ip)
  FROM policy_quota
  GROUP BY username, floor(timestamp/1000/3600)
  ORDER BY count DESC, rcpt DESC;

New in version 1.3.0.


Clean old records from SQL policy database table.

Usage: policy_quota_cleanup(age=7*24, table="policy_quota")

Where: age - record age in hours (by default 7 days)
       table - name of policy quota SQL table

New in version 1.3.0.


RBL (Real-time Blackhole list) checker.

This scanner can be used to scan for sender's IP address contained
in a blacklist.

Usage: rbl_check(domains)

Where: domains are blacklist domain names (multiple parameters allowed).

Example: rbl_check('')

New in version 1.1.0.


An interscanner to return a status to set an action to return.

You can user this scanner to set default policy returned by policy scanner,
or you can set policy according to scanner reply.

Usage: set_action(action, *scanners)

Where: action can be an action defined in postfix's SMTPD_POLICY_README,
         for example: dunno, defer_if_permit, ok, reject, ...

New in version 0.8.0.


SPF (Sender Permitted From) checker.

This scanner can be used to scan for sender's SPF records in content
scanner or policy scanner.

Usage: spf_check(hard_error=False)

Where: hard_error can be set to True, if you want errors raise as exceptions,
         by default it is turned off.

Example: spf_check()

New in version 0.8.0.