## Sagator configuration example for NOD32/esets usage. ## (c) 2010 Jan ONDREJ (SAL) # Debugging level, 0=errors only, 1=return status, init messages, # 2=smtp server communication, 3=detailed smtp server communication, # 4=tracebacks, 5=smtp client communication # Do not use debug level higher than 9! DEBUG_LEVEL=3 # Where is new root path. For example '/var/spool/vscan' CHROOT='/var/spool/vscan' # Logfile (use logfile in chroot to allow rotating) LOGFILE=CHROOT+'/var/log/sagator/sagator.log' # User and group, under which this program runs. USER,GROUP='vscan','vscan' # SMTP server host and port. You must define this smtp server # in postfix without filtering. SMTP_SERVER=('',26) # Scanners from scanners import * # Define scanners CLAMAV = libclam() SCANNERS=[ scanc(), #ESET(prefix='/tmp/scand/', logfile='/var/log/messages'), b2f(CLAMAV) ] LOCAL_IPS='^(192\.168|172\.16)\.' # Hack for esetspac, which can't load mysql libraries if 'LD_PRELOAD' in os.environ: DB_ENGINE=db.sqlite() else: DB_ENGINE=db.MySQLdb(host='',port=3306,dbname='sagator', dbuser='sagator',dbpasswd='BrqtwgyP1S') SCANNERS_SRV=[ log(1,log.SUMMARY_REPORT, log_sql(DB_ENGINE, log_sql.FORMAT, status("Virus", report(['vir-report@salstar.sk','krivosbj@central.medic.upjs.sk'],report.MSG_TMPL, quarantine('/tmp/quarantine/%Y%m/%d','', drop(drop.DEFAULT, buffer2mbox(CLAMAV), scanc(), ) ) ).ifscan(sender_regexp({'LOCAL_IP':[LOCAL_IPS]})) ), status("Spam", quarantine('/tmp/quarantine/%Y%m/%d','', drop('.', # drop all spams spamassassind(['localhost',783]), ) ) ) ) ) ] POLICY_SCANNERS=[ status('Greylist', not_listed('W') & rbl_check( 'bl.spamcop.net.', 'zen.spamhaus.org.' ) & greylist(600) ), ## return "dunno" to leave postfix's other restriction to effect set_action('dunno') ] CLEANUP = { DB_ENGINE: [ list_cleanup(), auto_whitelist(), log_cleanup() ] } from srv import * SRV=[ # scanner daemon scand( esetspac(logfile='/var/log/messages'), # for 32bit systems #'/usr/lib/libesets_pac.so' # for 64bit systems '/usr/lib64/libesets_pac.so' ), # statistics collector collector(), # resource limits rlimit(AS=700*MB), ## SMTP daemon policy (can be used as postfix policy scanner) smtpd_policy(POLICY_SCANNERS, DB_ENGINE, '', 29), # SMTP daemon (for posfix etc.) smtpd(SCANNERS_SRV,'localhost', 27, 2), webq_jinja('', 88, DB_ENGINE, scanner=b2f(CLAMAV)) ]