== Services

|  Execute an external command (or start an daemon).
|  This service can be used to start external daemons used by sagator.
|  Usage: chroot_execvp('daemon_name',args=[],pid_file='')
|  Where: daemon_name is a string, which defines command name
|         args are strings, which defines command line arguments
|         pid_file is an string to filename with PID of started daemon
|         pgrp_file is an string to a process group filename
|  Example: chroot_execvp('/usr/sbin/clamd','-c','/etc/clamav.conf')
|  New in version 0.7.0.

|  Execute an external command (or start an daemon) and update variables.
|  This service can be used to start external daemons used by sagator.
|  You also can set environment varibles.
|  Usage: chroot_execvpe('daemon_name',args=[],env={})
|  Where: daemon_name is a string, which defines command name
|         args are strings, which defines command line arguments
|         env is an dictionary of environment variables
|         pid_file is an string to filename with PID of started daemon
|         pgrp_file is an string to a process group filename
|  Example: chroot_execvpe('/usr/sbin/clamd',['-c','/etc/clamav.conf'],
|                          {'LANG': 'C'})
|  New in version 0.7.0.

|  Statistics collector service.
|  This service can be used to collect some data for statistics.
|  Usage: collector(ip_or_hostname='', port=-1,
|                   statfile='/var/lib/sagator/status')
|  Where: ip_or_hostname is an string, which defines IP to bind to
|         port is an integer, which defines port number to bind to.
|           If port<0 (default), no tcp socket will listen and only
|           statistics from file will be processed. It is effective
|           for large servers.
|         statfile is an string, which defines where to store status
|  Examples: collector()
|        or: collector('',28)

|  Fuse filesystem with antivirus checking.
|  This service can be used to check filesystem access for viruses.
|  Usage: fusefs(SCANNERS, mountpoint, root_path='/')
|  Where: mountpoint is a string, which defines an directory, where files
|           will be accessed.
|         root_path is a path, which files will real files.
|  Example: fusefs(SCANNERS, '/home', '/realhome')
|  New in version 0.8.0.

|  HTTP proxy service (experimental).
|  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
|  !!!  WARNING! This service is experimental! Use at your risk!  !!!
|  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
|  This service can be used as filtering HTTP proxy.
|  Usage: http_proxy(scanners, host, port, prefork=2)
|  Where: scanners is an array of scanners (see README.scanners for more info)
|         host is a an ip address to bind
|         port is a port to bind
|         prefork is a number, which defines preforked process count
|  Example: http_proxy(SCANNERS, '', 3128)
|  Warning! Do not forget to block access to this port for non-local users.

|  LMTP daemon service.
|  This service can be used to start sagator as separate filtering LMTP
|  daemon. Is is useful for postfix and any other LMTP client, which
|  can use these filters.
|  LMTP protocol is useful, if you want to set different filters for
|  different users.
|  Usage: lmtpd(scanners, host, port, prefork=2)
|  Where: scanners is an array of scanners (see README.scanners for more info)
|         host is a an ip address to bind
|         port is a port to bind
|         prefork is a number, which defines preforked process count.
|           Set this parameter to actual processor count + 1
|           or leave it's default (2).
|  Example: lmtpd(SCANNERS, '', 27)
|  New in version 0.7.0.

|  Milter support service.
|  This service can be used to start sagator as milter filter.
|  Usage: milter(scanners, name, connection, umask)
|  Where: scanners is an array of scanners (see README.scanners for more info)
|         name is an string, milter service name
|         connection in an string, which defines, where should milter service
|           listen
|         umask is an integer, which defines which umask should be set before
|           creating local socket
|  Example: milter(SCANNERS, "sagator", "inet:3333@")
|  For more information about milter's parameters see milter documentation.
|  You need python's milter module to run this service:
|    http://www.bmsi.com/python/milter.html

|  Virtual recipient policy.
|  This policy check is invoked after an "RCPT TO:" smtp command is received.
|  You can use an policy scanner combination as scanner. It is useable for
|  postfix's before-queue policy filter or an policy filter for milter.
|  This service must be defined before service, which want to use it.
|  Usage: recipient_policy(scanners, dbc)
|  Where: scanners is an array of policy scanners
|           (see README.scanners for more info)
|         dbc is an database connection
|  Example: recipient_policy(POLICY_SCANNERS, db.sqlite())
|  New in version 0.8.0.

|  Reporter virtual service.
|  This service is only a virtual service to configure parameters for
|  reporter script.
|  Usage: reporter(...parameters...)
|  There you can define some parameters:
|  "begin", "body", "end", "include", "exclude", "include_fx", "exclude_fx"
|  and "groups".
|  First three parameters are email templates. "begin" is report header.
|  It must contain RFC2822 headers. "body" is message part displayed for each
|  rejected/dropped message. "end" is report's tailer, added to message
|  after all "body"s. See srv/reporter.py file for example.
|  "webq" parameter must define base URL to webq() service. This parameter
|  is autodetected as your server hostname + standard webq() root directory.
|  A row with this URL is added to your standard body, if no user body
|  defined.
|  "groups" parameter can be used to define email groups, for example you
|  can define to send reports only to admin for each domain on you server:
|    reporter(groups=[
|                     ['@mydomain1.com$', 'admin@mydomain1.com'],
|                     ['@domain2.sk$', 'admin@domain2.sk'],
|                     ['.', 'root@localhost'] # send other to root
|                    ])
|  It is possible to define empty string as target to ignore some records.
|  Example: reporter(include='@mydomain.sk$')
|  Groups are new in version 0.9.0.

|  Resource limit virtual service.
|  This service can be used to set resource limits for sagator.
|  Usage: rlimit(PARAM1=value1, PARAM2=value1, ...)
|  Where: PARAM1,... are resource parameter names
|         value1,... are resource values
|  For example you can use there resource parameter names:
|    AS for the maximum area (in bytes) of address space which may be
|        taken by the process.
|    NOFILE for the maximum number of open file descriptors for the
|        current process.
|    VMEM for the largest area of mapped memory which the process may occupy.
|    DATA for the maximum size (in bytes) of the process's heap.
|    RSS for the maximum resident set size that should be made available
|        to the process.
|    STACK for the maximum size (in bytes) of the call stack for the current
|        process.
|    FSIZE for the maximum size of a file which the process may create.
|        This only affects the stack of the main thread in a multi-threaded
|        process.
|    CPU for the maximum amount of processor time (in seconds) that a process
|        can use
|  Aprox. 100 MB address space is required only for libclamav database.
|  Example: rlimit(AS=30000000)

|  Scanner daemon with a preload library ability.
|  This service can be used to scan for viruses with an library, which
|  can be "preloaded" as LD_PRELOAD library.
|  Usage: scand(scanner,ld_preload='',
|               sock='/tmp/scand.sock',
|               pid_file='/var/run/scand.pid',
|               as_root=False)
|  Where: scanner is a scand scanner
|         ld_preload is an library name, which can be preloaded with
|           LD_PRELOAD parameter. By default by library will be preloaded.
|         sock is path to communicate with scanner
|         pid_file is a path to store daemon's pid file. This will be loaded
|           at exit and this process will be killed.
|         as_root is an boolean. Set it to True if you want to run scanners
|           in scand as root.
|  Example: scand(nod2pac(),ld_preload='/usr/lib/libnod32pac.so')
|       or: scand(usrquota('mydomain.sk'),as_root=True)
|  New in version 0.8.0.

|  A service to filter data sent by sgfilter command.
|  This service can be used to filter an email through sagator.
|  Some headers should be added to filtered email. A client for this
|  service is the sgfilter script. See man sgfilter for more information.
|  Usage: sgfilterd(scanners,host='',port=27,prefork=2)
|  Where: scanners is an array of scanners (see README.scanners for more info)
|         host is a hostname to bind
|         port is a tcp port to bind
|         prefork is a number, which defines preforked process count.
|           Set this parameter to actual processor count + 1
|           or leave it's default (2).
|  Example: sgfilterd(SCANNERS)
|  Input protocol description:
|    MAIL FROM: sender_email
|    RCPT TO: recipient_email
|    DATA length
|    ...
|  Where: sender_email is sender's email address
|         recipient_email is recipient's email address. You can send more
|           RCPT TO: lines.
|         length is whole data length in bytes (including control characters,
|           as newlines, ...)
|  Output protocol description:
|    ...
|    ^D
|  Where: XXX is three digit status, one from these:
|             250 - clean
|             251 - not clean, but sending forced
|             451 - an internal error occured during scanning
|             550 - reject
|             551 - drop
|         L.LL is an floating number of virus/spam level status
|         VIRNAME is an short description (like virus name, 'SPAM' string
|             or other one line short description
|         ... is modified email message (if some scanners are defined
|             to modify scanned message)
|         ^D is an EOF character, after message the communication is closed
|  New in version 0.7.0.

|  SMTP daemon service.
|  This service can be used to start sagator as separate filtering SMTP
|  daemon. Is is useful for postfix and any other SMTP daemon, which
|  can use these filters.
|  Usage: smtpd(scanners, host, port, prefork=2)
|  Where: scanners is an array of scanners (see README.scanners for more info)
|         host is a an ip address to bind
|         port is a port to bind
|         prefork is a number, which defines preforked process count.
|           Set this parameter to actual processor count + 1
|           or leave it's default (2). For multicore servers you can use
|           core_count() function to use autodetection.
|  Example: smtpd(SCANNERS, '', 27)

|  SMTP policy service.
|  This service can be used as smtpd policy service for postfix.
|  Usage: smtpd_polixy(scanners, dbc, host, port, max_children=200)
|  Where: scanners is an array of policy scanners
|           (see README.scanners for more info)
|         dbc is an database connection
|         host is a an ip address to bind
|         port is a port to bind
|         max_children is a number defining maximal number of childrens
|           for this service
|  Example: smtpd_policy(SCANNERS, db.sqlite(), '', 29)
|  Postfix configuration example:
|    /etc/postfix/main.cf:
|      smtpd_recipient_restrictions=
|              ...
|              check_policy_service inet:
|              ...
|  New in version 0.8.0.

|  Web service for sagator's quaratine access.
|  This service can be used to access email collected by sagator via
|  web interface.
|  Requirements: python-jinja2 or python-jinja
|  Usage: webq_jinja(host='', port=8008, db,
|                    log='/var/log/sagator/webq.log',
|                    scanner, userconv)
|  Where: host is an string, which defines IP address to bind,
|           default:
|         port is an integer, which defines tcp port to listen, default: 8008
|         db is a database connection. For description see Databases.txt.
|         log is defining a log file name, by default /var/log/sagator/webq.log
|         scanner is a scanner to use for checking (only one scanner
|           can be used here and it must be a buffer scanner!)
|         userconv is an array, which defines regular expression
|           and substitution strings. Usernames from login prompt
|           are matched against this regular expression and substitued
|           by substitution string.
|         request_handler is an SimpleHTTPRequestHandler class.
|           By default webq_jinja_request_handler is used.
|           Use this class as parent if you need to override some functions.
|           This parameter was introduced in sagator 1.3.
|  It is recommended to use apache mod_proxy module to redirect standard
|  web traffic from port 80 to webq()'s 8008. For example:
|      ProxyPass /webq http://localhost:8008
|      ProxyPassReverse /webq http://localhost:8008
|  Example: See default config file for example.
|  New in version 1.3.0.