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policy_quota_auth_limit() A policy quota for authorized users. Limit number of emails from an authorized user. Do not use multiple of policy_quota_auth_limit tests in one policy service, use arrays for interval, max_conn, max_rcpt instead. Usage: policy_quota_auth_limit(interval, max_conn, max_rcpt) Where: interval - counting interval in seconds max_conn - maximum number of connections to server max_rcpt - maximum number of recipients Example: policy_quota_auth_limit(300, 10, 150) Postfix configuration example: smtpd_data_restrictions = check_policy_service inet: SQL command, which can help you to set proper parameters. Change 3600 with your current interval settings. SELECT username, sum(1) AS count, sum(recipient_count) AS rcpt, from_unixtime(timestamp/1000) AS time, group_concat(DISTINCT ip) FROM policy_quota GROUP BY username, floor(timestamp/1000/3600) ORDER BY count DESC, rcpt DESC; New in version 1.3.0. |